+52 (999) 9245223 Calle 62 # 433 x 51, Centro Histórico. Mérida, Yucatán

Services & facilities

Fecha de Ingreso
Fecha de Egreso

Great swimming pool

Communal kitchen

Fridge facilities

Bed sheets included

Towels with deposit

Free parking

According to availability upon arrival

Common areas

Great patio of hammocks, green an naturals areas forchill out and more…


Cereal / milk / 3 fruits of the season / coffee / homemade bread slices / butter / mermelade and té

Free internet + wifi

Free activities

Yucatecan cooking lesson, Salsa dancing lesson, Trova (live music)

Organize your trips

Organize trips to all the fantastics ruins / caves, sinkholes and ecological reserves around the area. As a Chichen Itza / Uxmal / Kabah / Cuzama / Celestun and others.

Ask for information

At check in request for our great information sheets as a map of the city / our recommendation in the area / bus schedule.

First class bus ticket

Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vesti bulum at eros. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum.

Travel agency available

Ask for our travel agency

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